Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Holiday Season has arrived!

Had the opportunity of spending some time shopping (lightly) for the kids and the family and am very excited. Our family has been blessed by survival and healing though the oddest of ways and we have remained strong.

It may be through a Zig Zagger Skateboard or just a simple Singer Sewing Machine, but the household is surviving every day just as everyone else. Button project is coming along, worked out some vintage skateboard stickers as well tonight. So with that said ~ Today is and tomorrow will be.

Peace, eM

Monday, December 9, 2013

Today, we concentrated on grocery shopping and plan to relax and work on some buttons. Wrote a draft email to Garment District Alliance and brainstorming with Jeff on a new up-cycle project. Happy Days to you all.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Welcome to Buttons for Hope

As a collector, researcher, refurbisher, and soon-to-be seller/museum donator of button fasteners from the 1800's through present, I found it necessary to start a blog to test my blogging skills. Interests also include music, art, apparel design, gourmet cooking, reading, knitting, sewing, snowboarding, skateboarding, sticker collecting, and myasthenia gravis survivor/advocate. I will be testing my hand at blogging and welcome any feedback regarding interests etc.
Peace and Be Well, 


"We are all snowflakes, but we do not melt!"